Wednesday, July 27, 2011

James Hyman: Shamanic Shenanigans!

Shamanic Healer Or Shamanic Hype? James Hyman's Shamanic Shenanigans! They're at it again! James Hyman the self professed founder of what he LAUGHINGLY CALLS: "quantum theta" energy healing is back with a new web site claiming GET THIS: His Pseudo Scientific Alt Med Quackery is "Shamanic Energy Healing!" This time the allegation is his ability to clear "grief, fears, anxiety, and depression" that occurs at the "quantum-theta level" WITHOUT THE NEED FOR MEDICATION OVER THE TELEPHONE! SHAMANIC HEALING OVER THE TELEPHONE THE FACT IS JAMES HYMAN HAS NO DEGREE IN MEDICINE, PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHIATRY, CHEMISTRY, PHYSIOLOGY OR ADVANCED EDUCATION WHATSOEVER! OF COURSE THERE IS THE TYPICAL DISCLAIMER STATING: "his scientific practice is a specialty in the field of transformational bodywork, self-healing energy work, and Chinese Qi Gong" AREA'S COMPLETELY UNRELATED TO SCIENCE AND WITH NO MEDICAL DEGREE OR LICENSURE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER REQUIRED! THIS IS ALL SIMPLY "HYMAN HYPE" OR "QUANTUM QUACKERY!" Hyman even relates his work to what was seen in the movie, The Secret; Anyone who reads the newspaper or watches TV news knows what has happened to the main proponent of The Secret. The trial of James Arthur Ray, the author of The Secret has concluded and Mr. Ray has been convicted of manslaughter! Unfortunate timing for quack meisters like Hyman currently pushing their own brand of "Shamanic Energy Healing," or “quantum quackery!” Of course what alt med quacks would be without their number one piece of propaganda; "Testimonials." The Hyman's testimonials pronounce; 1. After one session with James Hyman patients no longer need any of their medications 2. James Hyman is the real deal, a true healer whose work is profound! 3. After one session James Hyman's work was so powerful one patient was cured of anxiety and codependency Here is the Reality Regarding Testimonials: --THE ALT MEDS 5 RULES OF PROPAGANDA -- 1. The rule of orchestration: endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations. 2. The rule of simplification: reducing all data to testimonials 3) The rule of disfiguration: Their description for a phenomenon where many irrational beliefs are justified by an obfuscatory reference to quantum physics, thereby discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies. 4) The rule of transfusion: manipulating the consensus values for the target audience for one's own ends. 5) The rule of unanimity: presenting one's viewpoint as if it were the unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: CAM is the natural or organic method! Thereby attempting to drain the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of social pressure, and by 'psychological contagion'. Hyman pronounces in the 3rd paragraph here; that this is not traditional ongoing therapy, you will require only one session to access your subconscious mind at the "quantum grid" (wherever that is!) and that it "opens the Dura around the brain!" Really? Opens the Dura? The Hardest Most Impenetrable Portion Of The Brain Opened Without Surgery? JUST ANOTHER CASE OF QUANTUM QUACKERY! OR PERHAPS SHAMANIC SHENANIGANS! Hyman states his "unique integrated system is a combination of different, powerful and effective forms of energy healing, shaman healing, quantum healing, theta healing, and Chinese Qigong Healing." In actuality, Quantum Theta Energy Healing is taken from the description for a phenomenon where many irrational beliefs are justified by an obfuscatory reference to quantum physics. In this case the focus is on some sort of quantum theta energy field that magically turns thoughts into something tangible that can directly affect the universe. This is Hyman's attempt to piggy-back on the success and legitimacy of science by claiming his quack ideas are rooted in accepted concepts in physics combined with utter misunderstanding of these concepts and a sense of wonder at the amazing magic these misunderstandings would imply if true. When an idea seems too crazy to believe, the proponent (Hyman) often makes an appeal to quantum physics as the explanation. Hyman's Pseudoscience Since most people have never studied quantum physics they do not understand why these sham ideas are a perversion of it - in fact, this relies on people thinking that quantum mechanics is too hard or only for scientists in order for the scams to work and stop people questioning them. Practitioners of fraudulent and silly ideas can tap into this feeling of mystery to push their sham concepts, i.e. quantum theta energy healing or this week "SHAMANIC ENERGY HEALING" I WONDER WHAT IT WILL BE NEXT WEEK?