Sunday, June 12, 2011

Amnesty International And The Basic Human Right Against Cruel And Unusual Punishment: USA Urged To End 40 Year Solitary Confinement

This is appalling. I am ashamed to be an American. 

Please watch the video and read the article;

We had an interesting discussion about this on FB of all places today. By days end, I was again vowing to delete my FB page which FYI has only ben up since March 2011. This is the third time in 100 +/- days I have threatened to delete my page to the disconcertion of my FB friends, most of whom are old friends from junior high school whom I have become reacquainted with on FB.

However, I have met a number of like minded NEW individuals there. Now before you chastise me, I me NEW to me, not new as in just created individuals.

By days end what starte as a simple post about human rights abuses turned into a heated (for FB0 discussion, which I plan to share with you here.

Please watch the video first, than return to the thread, I think you will enjoy yourselves.....r