Wednesday, July 27, 2011

James Hyman Shamanic Healer? Homeopathic Hilarity!

James Hyman hypes "Shamanic Energy Healing," "Hyman Healing," "Quantum Theta Healing" or whatever new he may be calling it this month!" Regardless of what he calls it, it amounts to Bunk! The notion that auras reflect health is a common one among true believers. The problem is, what color reflects what condition? There is no consensus on what the colors mean, which makes it difficult if not impossible to devise an empirical test to determine whether there is any correlation between specific colors and specific diseases. In other words, reading auras is something like reading Rorschach tests with the added difficulty of each psychic potentially seeing a different pattern. For every other object of color we have scientific devices which can measure any energy emitted from the object, as well as the wavelengths of light reflected from the object. Even though equipment exists capable of measuring extremely minute energy levels, no one has ever detected an aura or the alleged energy that gives rise to an aura using scientific equipment. Human tissue is about a million times less sensitive than something like a PET scanner, yet we are supposed to believe that some special people can "see" what cannot otherwise be detected. Or, we are supposed to believe that we all have the power to see auras but somehow we have repressed or never trained our psychic selves to unleash the power within. Aura reading is one of several nonsensical methods commonly referred to as "energy healing" These methods are based on the idea that the body is surrounded or permeated by an energy field that is not measurable by ordinary scientific instrumentation. The alleged force, said to support life, is known as ki in Japan, as chi or qi in China, and as prana in India. Energy healing practitioners claim to facilitate healing by strengthening or "balancing" it . Reiki is an example of energy healing. (Of course it is, Hyman purports to be a "reiki master," a "Shamanic Healer" along with being a "qigong master," and if we are to believe his numerous web sites, a master of dozens of other "shamanic bunk") My god, if he's mastered so many forms of such highly "respected" ughhh, sorry, I meant "suspected" methods, If it is such earth shattering “medicine,” why don’t more trained scientists or even educated consumers advocate its use? The word "reiki" is derived from two Japanese words: rei (universal) and ki (life energy). Current energy healing practice can be traced to the spiritual teachings of Mikao Usui in Japan during the early 20th century. Usui's teachings included meditative techniques and healing practices. One of his students, Chujiro Hayashi, further developed the healing practices, placing less emphasis on the meditative techniques. An American named Hawayo Takata learned reiki from Hayashi in Japan and introduced it to Western cultures in the late 1930s . During a recent national survey, about 0.5% of participants said that they had used an "energy healing" therapy during the previous year. If it is such earth shattering “medicine,” why don’t more trained scientists or even educated consumers advocate its use?