Saturday, August 13, 2011

James Hyman's Quantum Quackery

Check out this homeopathic huckster’s new age nonsense, if anyone actually believed this “quantum quackers homeopathic hype,” you might find some of us doing the following: Dear Blue Cross And Blue Shield, I’m seriously considering canceling my health insurance and future doctors appointments and throwing away my medication. James Hyman claims he’s a “shamanic healer” and “psychic intuitive” and in ONE SESSION, while working with my “chakras” he can guide me through the release of fear, anxiety, anger, depression and the need for my MEDICATION! Although he has no degrees whatsoever in psychiatry, medicine, biology, physiology or psychology he says he can release emotional blockages, negative patterns and “disruptions” from my “quantum theta” field. (Wherever the hell that is). Mr. Hyman’s “system” is so powerful, that even if I can’t make it to see him in person, as long as I pay him, he can access my “quantum theta fields” over the telephone! It must be true it SAYS SO RIGHT HERE ON HIS WEB SITE: Even though I’ve had regular appointments, none of my medical doctors ever mentioned my “quantum theta fields.”
Please read further, I’ll take you through Mr. Hyman’s Shamanic Shenanigans…

Friday, August 5, 2011

James Hyman: Colonic Quackery and Shamanic Shenanigans In Sedona

James and Barbara, the hyping Hyman's, have fallen victim to their scams being called out by skeptic's everywhere! However, as opposed to getting a real job they have resorted to hawking some colonic quackery in Sedona Arizona, pushing "Detox Retreats"
Their literature, spammed all over the Internet offers "herbal cleansing," "colonics," or "detoxification." These are supposably herbal diets that clean you out like the Roto-Rooter guy: a one-way ticket on the Dookie Express. There actually a scam to separate you from your hard earned money!
Their numerous free web sites, spammed all over the Internet hawking this rip off uses the word "colon," five times, but ironically it was punctuated with no actual colons.
So, this past April, posing undercover, I took in one of their "Detox Retreats" in that Bastion of reality, Sedona Arizona!
After hearing the hyping Hyman's hawk their shamanic shenanigans, I saw first hand the 'power" of colonics, a new genre of hardcore I'm calling "poo-nography."
Julie Rogers, the leader of the hyping Hyman's colonic quackery states fasting along with colonics will "rejuvenate" the digestive organs, increase elimination of "toxins, and "purify" the body." These ideas are UTTER NONSENSE. The Journal Of Clinical Gastroenterology states: Autointoxication is an ancient theory based on the belief that intestinal waste products can poison the body and are a major contributor to many, if not all, diseases. By the turn of the century, it had become clear that the scientific rationale was wrong and colonic irrigation was not merely useless but potentially dangerous! Today we are witnessing a resurgence of colonic irrigation based on little less than the old bogus claims and the impressive power of vested interests. It seems, therefore, that IGNORANCE is celebrating a triumph over science, yes, IGNORANCE.
Although reading above shows these theories of health care are utter nonsense that doesn't stop Ms. Rogers and the ever hyping Hyman's from providing an "organic juice and soup fast" along with their "colonic" for the minimal sum of only $1,399.00!
They add herbs, coffee, (use StarButts coffee only, please) as well as enzymes, wheat or grass extract, or other substances to these "purification detoxes."
If you are really determined to try "colonic irrigation" you can buy Dr. Natura's unfortunately-named "Colonix" kit for $75.00, it will arrive in the mail in a few days and consists of all-natural pills, a powdered supplement, and herbal tea.
The Hyman's are hyping basically the same method, only the hyping Hyman's add to the $75.00 cost by $1,324.00 to pad their profit! Recent web site advertisements by the Hyman's hawking their "next great detox" in Sedona Arizona, quoted a price of $1,399.00 for a FOUR DAY COMMUNAL EVENT WHERE THEY EXPECT YOU TO BE "DETOXED" WITH THEIR "ORGANIC JUICE AND SOUP FAST" (gee whiz, I wonder where all that money is going?) ...
If your going to spend $1,399.00 for what you can receive in the mail for $75.00 might I suggest an alternative, perhaps, simply "flushing" (bad pun) or eating your money:
Any one of the above pictured images will will accomplish the exact same thing!
Some "alternative" practitioners (some?..mmmnn I wonder who?) make bogus diagnoses of "parasites," for which they recommend "intestinal cleansers," plant enzymes and homeopathic remedies! Whereas a 1-day fast is likely to be harmless (though useless), prolonged fasting can be fatal. "Cleansing" with products composed of herbs and dietary fiber is unlikely to be physically harmful, but the products involved can be expensive. (I'll say, $1,399.00 for 4 days of juice and soup?) If your going to give hyping Hyman's your money, you might as well:
If your truly having problems with constipation or if a significant change in bowel pattern persists a doctor should be consulted, not an overweight self styled "practice manager" and her grey haired, wrinkly skinned, balding, hard of hearing and grey haired "shamanic healer" and "qigong master" husband! For detailed information about colonic quackery, please see: